1 | Prof. Dr. dr. Hardyanto Soebono, Sp.D.V.E, Subsp.D.T | Dermatologi Tropis | Leprosy, skin infections, tropical dermatology, skin microbiome, occupational skin dermatoses, autoimun skin diseases | hardyanto@ugm.ac.id | |
2 | Dr. dr. Sunardi Radiono, Sp.D.V.E, Subsp.D.A.I | Dermato Fotobiologi | Psoriasis, photobiology/photodermatology, laser dermatology | sunardi.radiono@ugm.ac.id | |
3 | Prof. Dr. dr. Y. Widodo Wirohadidjojo, Sp.D.V.E, Subsp.O.B.K | Tumor & Bedah Kulit | Regenerative medicine | yohanes.widodo@ugm.ac.id | |
4 | dr. Kristiana Etnawati, MPH., Sp.D.V.E, Subsp.D.K.E | Dermatologi Kosmetik dan Estetik | Acne, melasma, anti-aging | etnawati@ugm.ac.id | |
5 | dr. Fajar Waskito, Sp.D.V.E, Subsp.D.A.I, M.Kes | Dermato Alergo-Imunologi | Autoimmune skin diseases | fajar.waskito@ugm.ac.id | |
6 | Dr. dr. Satiti Retno Pudjiati, Sp.D.V.E, Subsp.Ven | Venereologi | Sexually transmitted infections, HIV, reproductive health | satiti_rp@ugm.ac.id | |
7 | dr. Agnes Sri Siswati, Sp.D.V.E, Subsp.D.T | Dermatologi Tropis | Mycoses, skin infections, tropical dermatology, skin microbiome | agnes.sri.siswati@ugm.ac.id | |
8 | dr. Dwi Retno Adi Winarni, Sp.D.V.E, Subsp.D.K.E | Dermatologi Kosmetik dan Estetik | Skin barrier, aging skin | dwiretnoaw@ugm.ac.id | |
9 | Dr. dr. Niken Indrastuti, Sp.D.V.E, Subsp.D.A.I | Dermato Alergo-Imunologi | Contact dermatitis, Drug/cosmetic/product allergy, occupational dermatoses | niken.indrastuti@ugm.ac.id | |
10 | dr. Arief Budiyanto, Ph.D, Sp.D.V.E, Subsp.O.B.K | Tumor & Bedah Kulit, Dermato Fotobiologi | Skin molecular biology, photobiology/photodermatology, skin carcinogenesis, skin bioengineering, skin surgery, laser dermatology | drariefb@ugm.ac.id | |
11 | Prof. Dr. med. dr. Retno Danarti, Sp.D.V.E, Subsp.D.A | Dermatologi Anak & Genodermatologi | Genodermatoses, atopic dermatitis, Mendelian disorders of cornification, infantile hemangioma | danarti@ugm.ac.id | |
12 | Dr. dr. Niken Trisnowati, M.Sc., Sp.D.V.E, Subsp.D.A | Dermatologi Anak & Genodermatologi | Atopic dermatitis, pediatric skin infection | nikentris@ugm.ac.id | |
13 | dr. Sri Awalia Febriana, M.Kes, Sp.D.V.E, Subsp.D.A.I, Ph.D | Dermato Alergo-Imunologi | Occupational and enviromental dermatology, contact dermatitis, drug allergy, pharmacovigilance | awalia_febriana@ugm.ac.id | |
14 | dr. Nurwestu Rusetiyanti, M.Kes, Sp.D.V.E, Subsp.Ven | Venereologi | Sexually transmitted infections, HIV, reproductive health | nurwestu.rusetiyanti@ugm.ac.id | |
15 | dr. Iryani Andamari, Sp.D.V.E | Dermatologi Kosmetik dan Estetik | | | |
16 | dr. Devi Artami Susetiati, M.Sc., Sp.D.V.E, Subsp.Ven | Venereologi | HPV, sexually transmitted infections, HIV, reproductive health | devi.artami@ugm.ac.id | |
17 | dr. Dyah Ayu Mira Oktarina, Ph.D, Sp.D.V.E, Subsp.O.B.K | Tumor & Bedah Kulit | Wound healing, agingKal | d.oktarina@ugm.ac.id | |
18 | dr. Flandiana Yogianti, Ph.D, Sp.D.V.E, Subsp.D.K.E | Dermatologi Kosmetik dan Estetik, Dermato Fotobiologi | Photodermatology, photoaging, photocarcinogenesis, cosmetic dermatology, skin aging, acne, pigmentation disorders | flandiana@ugm.ac.id | |
19 | dr. Shinta Trilaksmi Dewi, Ph.D, Sp.D.V.E | Dermato Alergo-Imunologi | Psoriasis, autoimmune skin diseases, drug allergy, contact dermatitis | shinta.trilaksmi.d@ugm.ac.id | |
20 | dr. Agnes Rosarina Prita Sari, M.Phil, Sp.D.V.E | Dermatologi Kosmetik dan Estetik | Hair, stem cell, skin molecular biology, skin care, skin cosmetics | rosarina.pritasari@ugm.ac.id | |
21 | dr. Tuntas Rayinda, M.Sc., Sp.D.V.E, Ph.D | Dermatologi Anak & Genodermatologi | Genodermatoses, pediatric dermatology, hair disorders | tuntasrayinda@mail.ugm.ac.id | |
22 | dr. Alessandro Alfieri, M.Med.Sc., Sp.D.V.E | Venereologi | Syphilis, sexually transmitted infections, HIV, reproductive health | andro.alfieri@mail.ugm.ac.id | |
23 | dr. He Yeon Asva Nafaisa, M.Sc., Sp.D.V.E | Tumor & Bedah Kulit | Chronic ulcers, skin bioengineering, stem cell, skin surgery | he.yeon.a@mail.ugm.ac.id | |
24 | dr. Dyahlokita Swastyastu, M.Med.Sc., Sp.D.V.E | Dermatologi Tropis | Scabies, skin infections, tropical dermatology, skin microbiome | dyahlokita.swastyastu@ugm.ac.id | |
25 | dr. Adissa Tiara Yulinvia, M.Sc., Sp.D.V.E | Dermatologi Tropis | Skin infection, leprosy, neglected tropical diseases | adissatiara@gmail.com | |
26 | dr. Farisa Anggreana | Dermatologi Alergi dan Imunologi | Allergy and autoimmune diseases | farisa.anggreana@gmail.com | |
27 | dr. Wega Wisesa Setiabudi, Ph.D | Dermatologi Tropis | Leprosy, Neglected Tropical Diseases | wega.setiabudi@ugm.ac.id | |